sreda, 14. julij 2010

Bučevke v juliju

Kumara Richmond green, pred njo vijoličen stročji fižol (sejan konec junija), desno bučke Round french, spredaj pa muškatna buča Trombetta

Lubenica Cobb gem

Levo tajska melona, desno Tahitian butternut buča

Kačasta buča Trichosanthes cucumerina

Bučka romanesco

Bučka Round french

Bučka Zephyr

Kumara Long white

Antilska kumarica

Kumara Boston pickling

Kumara Poona Kheera - moški in ženski cvet

Kumara Ginsei, posejana v sredini junija

Kumara Owari Aodai, posejana prejšnji teden

2 komentarja:

  1. I like how you let the vines climb into the trees. I need to plant more trees. Right now some of my squash plants look like they are going to eat my 8ft tall corn patch.

  2. I hope it's going to work that way. There are plenty of pine trees in our pasture and of course in my ad hoc pasture patch. I'm forcing the vines to grow up the ropes (recycled bale ropes) that I set "very skilfully". But it has become a jungle.
